Medical & Surgical Facial Aesthetics (03) 95100714


Out of pocket costs can vary depending on the exact extent or nature of the procedure and whether you have private health insurance and the level of cover. A surgical quote will be provided following your consultation. Most commonly the total quote is approximately $14,000-$17,000 for self-insured patients.
It is advised to bring a referral from your GP if you plan to have any surgery. A rebate can be sought for part of the consultation fee with the surgeon, and is essential for claiming for any items through your health insurer. We advise to check your cover with your health insurer prior to surgery.
In general, it is advised to take two weeks off work after having rhinoplasty. Depending on your occupation, some people are back to work earlier. Initially there can be swelling and/or bruising on the face and a splint is worn over the nose for the first week after surgery. If you have had an open approach operation the sutures will also be removed on the same day as the splint.
For the first week after having rhinoplasty surgery a splint is worn over the nose. Swelling and bruising can be present during this period. If bruising on the face is present, this can last up to two weeks. Swelling of the nose can take months to decrease and it can be up to 12 months for the nose to completely stabilize, but the majority of the swelling will go down in the first two months after surgery.
The pain is not generally severe after rhinoplasty but your surgeon will provide you with adequate pain relief medication after your surgery.
With proper preoperative planning, most patients having rhinoplasty surgery do not experience problems with breathing after the operation. In fact, rhinoplasty is often performed to improve breathing.
Generally, rhinoplasty surgery is performed on people aged 18 years and above, however on rare occasions it can be performed on teenagers when there are functional or severe cosmetic issues.
Prior to your skin needling treatment, topical anaesthetic is applied to the face to numb the skin. This helps considerably with the pain, however, some pain can still be present during the procedure.
For medium chemical peels you can expect redness of the skin for a few days and flaking of the skin for a week or more. Generally the skin will just look dry until it is completely healed.
When having a medium chemical peel, results can be seen after just one treatment, however a series of three chemical peels are recommended for optimal results.
Common side effects of anti-wrinkle injections are pain, oedema (swelling) and haematoma (bruising) at the injection site. These reactions usually subside within a few days. Occasionally headaches can occur but usually only last for a few hours after the treatment.
The needle used to inject the medication is very small making the injection virtually painless. Ice may also be used to numb the area prior to treatment. Once the injection is complete, usually there is no discomfort.

35 Chapel St
St Kilda VIC 3182